
Fried Tartari à la Jin

Fried Tartari à la Jin

A delicious fried meat dish.


30 min
Jin's Home Cooking


Name Rarity Needed
Meat Chicken Breast (cubed) 1 pound
Meat Beef (cubed) 1 pound
Flower Flour 1 cup
Flower Oregano 1 teaspoon
Flower Paprika 1 teaspoon
Flower Cumin 1 teaspoon
Flower Salt
Flower Black Pepper
Flower Vegetable Oil 1 tablespoon
Vegetable Tomato Paste 2 tablespoons
Vegetable Garlic (minced) 1 teaspoon
Flower Honey 1 tablespoon
Staple Rice


  1. Mix the flour, oregano, paprika, cumin, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Coat the chicken and beef with this mixture.

  2. Heat the oil in a pan over medium-high heat. Pan-fry the chicken and beef until golden brown. It is best to fry each meat separately since they cook at different rates. Chicken takes about 5 to 6 minutes on one side and 2 minutes on the other, while beef takes about 4 minutes on one side and 1 minute on the other.

  3. Remove the meat and set them aside, but keep the remaining oil in the pan.

  4. Add the tomato paste and garlic to the pan and mix with the oil over medium heat. Gradually stir in the honey.

  5. After about 1 minute, add in all the meat to the pan and stir until the meat is coated. Sprinkle some oregano for garnish.

  6. Serve with rice!


Game Ingredients

Buloofo Beastmeat
Rhogul Birdmeat
Weeping Flour
Nest Extract
Barbed Tomato


A couple of paragraphs on why we chose to make the recipe the way we did based on the above ingredients.